Thursday, August 11, 2011


Hello, everybody.

If you're reading this, you may know a thing or two about being in pain. We simply must overcome this enemy that is ourselves. It does not matter who tells us we cannot fly, it's the voices in our heads that keep us grounded. Please if your wings are intact take flight. If your wings have not grown yet take this time and meditate on their growth. Soon the sky will be the limit. Gay, straight, lesbian, transgendered, bi-sexual, just plain in pain we all need to believe we are worth it, worth self love and confidence. We can do it. I can see it clearly, our victory over gravity.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Class In Session

I'm learning, looking over my past mistakes,
when I was a stupid girl, when I did not belong to me, and
I had no strength I could see.

I'm learning, seeing into my thoughts,
the ones I had when nobody was watching.
Was I thinking or plotting?

I'm learning, one step forward, two steps back.
Never out of focus, never off track.
I am now, I will be soon,
I have been, no longer true.

I'm learning, making peace with me,
the one I love, the one who's me.

I'm learning, I'll be better soon,
who I want to be, in the mirror
whom I want to see.